Navigation ========== Navigation allows to build menus and breadcrumbs. Let's look on example: .. code-block:: php setItems( [ 'index' => [ 'href' => 'admin/menus', 'title' => 'Browse', 'prepend' => '' ], 1 => [ 'href' => 'javascript:;', 'title' => '|' ], 'create' => [ 'href' => 'admin/menus/create', 'title' => 'Create new menu', 'prepend' => '' ] ] ); $this->view->navigation = $navigation; setItems method defines items inside navigation. It accepts array of arrays. Index of each array can be used as active item setup. Let's look on description of all attributes: .. code-block:: php setItems( [ 'index' => [ 'href' => 'admin/menus', // Item link. 'title' => 'Browse', // Item title. 'target' => '_blank', // Link "target" attribute. 'onclick' => 'alert("");', // Link "onclick" attribute. 'tooltip' => 'Browse Description', // Item tooltip. 'tooltip_position' => 'right', // Item tooltip position. 'append' => '' // HTML/text that will be appended after title. 'prepend' => '', // HTML/text that will be prepended before title. ], 1 => [ // just an item, 'href' => 'javascript:;', // Nothing special. 'title' => '|' // Title again. ], 'settings' => [ // type - dropdown 'title' => 'Settings', 'items' => [ // Dropdown can be defined by present "items" key in item array. 'admin/settings' => [ 'title' => 'System', 'href' => 'admin/settings', 'prepend' => '' ], 'admin/settings/performance' => [ 'title' => 'Performance', 'href' => 'admin/performance', 'prepend' => '' ], 2 => 'divider', // Styled divider. 'admin/access' => [ 'title' => 'Access Rights', 'href' => 'admin/access', 'prepend' => '' ] ] ] ] ); To set some item as active use setActiveItem method, it checks items keys and their 'href' attribute if they are equal - navigation marks it as active. Navigation Styling ------------------ For navigation customization there are some methods: .. code-block:: php tag). $navigation->setListClass('nav nav-categories'); // Set dropdown item class (Item of parent but with subitems, by default applied to
  • tag). $navigation->setDropDownItemClass('dropdown'); // Set class list inside item (By default applied to