Performance settings ==================== Performance form allows to setup some improvements in speed. .. image:: /images/performance_1.png :align: center Fields description: **Cache prefix** - cache prefix in system, required if you use shared caching system with other websites. **Cache lifetime** - cache TTL (time to live), maximum lifetime of cached data. **Cache adapter** - you can select adapter for the cache: file, memcached, apc, mongo. Default is file and others require additional PHP extensions. **Clear cache** - select to clear current cache. If "File" adapter is selected: **Files location** - path to a folder where cached data will be stored. If "Memcached" is selected: **Memcached host** - host address of the server. **Memcached port** - server port. **Create a persistent connection to memcached** - will create per-request persistent connection. If "APC" adapter has no additional settings. If "Mongo" adapter is selected: **A MongoDB connection string** - mongo connection string (read about mongo). **Mongo database name** - database name. **Mongo collection in the database** - mongo collection.