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Console allows to run some commands for remote purpose.

To run console manager, you will need to move into website root directory and execute:

php public/index.php command param1 param2


To use command simple type command and/or sub commands if required:

php public/index.php database update

Some commands have aliases:

php public/index.php db update

To show all available commands you can type:

php public/index.php

## or ##

php public/index.php help

Help can be used for command:


Or sub command:



Name Sub command Parameters Description
cache cleanup Removes all cache stored by PhalconEye. Also removes view cache, metadata, annotations, assets, etc.
database, db update
- - model=NULL (string|null) - Model class name, that must
be updated. Example: CoreModelSome
- - cleanup - Remove tables, that isn’t related (not mentioned)
to CMS
Updates all tables related to CMS and their relations according to models metadata (annotations) defined in code.
application, app sync Synchronize application data with current copy of code. Imagine that you’ve created one module (that is related to other module) and external widget. And you have server for development and for testing. Changes were made on development server and you need to move them into testing server. You committed all changed data and fetched them on on testing server (module and widget code and *.json metadata). You runs this command and PhalconEye synchronize all data in database: installs new, removes old, etc... And adds new items to autoload system. So, this tool is for synchronization between stage databases.
assets install Installs all assets from modules and compiles theme less files.

Command Creation

Command can be created in module. Special directory “Command” must be placed in module root.

Command example:


 * Assets command.
 * @category  PhalconEye
 * @package   Core\Commands
 * @author    Ivan Vorontsov <ivan.vorontsov@phalconeye.com>
 * @copyright 2013-2014 PhalconEye Team
 * @license   New BSD License
 * @link      http://phalconeye.com/
 * @CommandName(['assets'])
 * @CommandDescription('Assets management.')
class Assets extends AbstractCommand implements CommandInterface
     * Install assets from modules.
     * @return void
    public function installAction()
        $assetsManager = new Manager($this->getDI(), false);
        $assetsManager->installAssets(PUBLIC_PATH . '/themes/' . Settings::getSetting('system_theme'));

        print ConsoleUtil::success('Assets successfully installed.') . PHP_EOL;

Each command must be extended from AbstractCommand and implements CommandInterface. Commands metadata defined via class annotations:


 * @CommandName(['commandname', 'commandalias'])
 * @CommandDescription('Description of the command.')
class SomeCommand extends AbstractCommand {}

 * Command can gave initialization method, that will be performed before any action.
 * @CommandName(['commandname', 'commandalias'])
 * @CommandDescription('Description of the command.')
class SomeCommand extends AbstractCommand {
    public function initialize() {}

 * To define sub command - add subcommandAction method. It will be automatically added as sub command.
 * @CommandName(['commandname', 'commandalias'])
 * @CommandDescription('Description of the command.')
class SomeCommand extends AbstractCommand {
    public function subcommandAction() {}

 * Parameters of sub command automatically takes as parameters of it.
 * NOTE: action with parameters must be commented well, coz this will be a description of this commands!
 * @CommandName(['commandname', 'commandalias'])
 * @CommandDescription('Description of the command.')
class SomeCommand extends AbstractCommand {
     * Test action with params.
     * @param string|null $param1 Param1 - string. Example: "string".
     * @param bool        $param2 Param2 is flag.
     * @return void
    public function testAction($param1 = null, $param2 = false) {}

    // Help for this command will looks like this:
    //Help for "commandname test":
    //  Test action with params.
    //Available parameters:
    //   --param1=NULL (string|null)           Param1 - string. Example: "string".
    //   --param2                              Param2 is flag.