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Grid System

Grid is table of entities with actions, sorting and filtering.


Same as in forms here is AbstractGrid and extended CoreGrid (abstract, too):


abstract class CoreGrid extends AbstractGrid
     * Get grid view name.
     * @return string
    public function getLayoutView()
        return $this->_resolveView('partials/grid/layout');

     * Get grid item view name.
     * @return string
    public function getItemView()
        return $this->_resolveView('partials/grid/item');

     * Get grid table body view name.
     * @return string
    public function getTableBodyView()
        return $this->_resolveView('partials/grid/body');

     * Resolve view.
     * @param string $view   View path.
     * @param string $module Module name (capitalized).
     * @return string
    protected function _resolveView($view, $module = 'Core')
        return '../../' . $module . '/View/' . $view;

Usage in controller:


public function indexAction()
    $grid = new UserGrid($this->view);
    if ($response = $grid->getResponse()) {
        return $response;

// yep.. that's all )).


Grid has source. Source can be QueryBuilder or Array. You can implement you own SourceResolver to handle different data.

Usual QueryBuilder:


// Method getSource is required.
public function getSource()
    $builder = new Builder();
        ->columns(['u.*', 'r.name'])
        ->addFrom('User\Model\User', 'u')
        ->leftJoin('User\Model\Role', 'u.role_id = r.id', 'r')
        ->orderBy('u.id DESC');

    return $builder;

Array usage:


public function getSourceResolver()
    return new ArrayResolver($this);

public function getSource()
    $data = [['row1_column1' => 1, 'row1_column2' => 2], ['row2_column1' => 3, 'row2_column2' => 4]];
    return $data;


Columns must be defined per required method _initColumns(). Columns definition contains:

  • id (name of field in query builder or in array).
  • label - Column label.
  • sortable - flag that defines if column is sortable.
  • type - column bind type parameter (see PhalconDbColumn::BIND_*).
  • filter - flag that defines if this column can be filtered.
  • use_having - flag that allows to build query using HAVING operator (in case query contains JOINS and joined has conditions).
  • condition_like - flag that allows to use LIKE operator in condition.
  • output_logic - this allows to change output behaviour, accepts function closure.



protected function _initColumns()

        // Add simple text column, this means, that in filtering will be available text field.
            'u.id',   // field name in query
            'ID',     // Label
                self::COLUMN_PARAM_TYPE => Column::BIND_PARAM_INT,     // Bind parameter, need to escape SQL injections.
                self::COLUMN_PARAM_OUTPUT_LOGIC =>                     // Special output logic.
                    function (GridItem $item, $di) {
                        $url = $di->get('url')->get(
                            ['for' => 'admin-users-view', 'id' => $item['u.id']]
                        return sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', $url, $item['u.id']);
        ->addTextColumn('u.username', 'Username')
        ->addTextColumn('u.email', 'Email')
            ['hasEmptyValue' => true, 'using' => ['name', 'name'], 'elementOptions' => Role::find()],
                self::COLUMN_PARAM_USE_HAVING => false,                 // Don't use HAVING
                self::COLUMN_PARAM_USE_LIKE => false,                   // And don't use LIKE, '==' operator will be used ('=' IN SQL).
                self::COLUMN_PARAM_OUTPUT_LOGIC =>
                    function (GridItem $item) {
                        return $item['name'];
        ->addTextColumn('u.creation_date', 'Creation Date');


Actions also can be defined:


public function getItemActions(GridItem $item)
    $actions = [
        'Manage' => ['href' => ['for' => 'admin-languages-manage', 'id' => $item['id']]],
        'Export' => [
            'href' => ['for' => 'admin-languages-export', 'id' => $item['id']],
            'attr' => ['data-widget' => 'modal']
        'Wizard' => [
            'href' => ['for' => 'admin-languages-wizard', 'id' => $item['id']],
            'attr' => ['data-widget' => 'modal']
        '|' => [],
        'Edit' => ['href' => ['for' => 'admin-languages-edit', 'id' => $item['id']]],
        'Delete' => [
            'href' => [
                'for' => 'admin-languages-delete', 'id' => $item['id']
            'attr' => ['class' => 'grid-action-delete']

    if (
        $item->getObject()->language == Config::CONFIG_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE &&
        $item->getObject()->locale == Config::CONFIG_DEFAULT_LOCALE
    ) {

    return $actions;

getItemActions(GridItem $item) must return array of actions with parameters. ‘href’ is required parameter, ‘attr’ is optional.

Grid View

Grid view divided on three parts: layout (main layout, starting from <table> tag), body (tbody tag), item (td tag with actions). Each view can be overridden in grid class.

Layout example:

<table id="{{ grid.getId() }}" class="table grid-table" data-widget="grid">
        {% for name, column in grid.getColumns() %}
                {% if column[constant('\Engine\Grid\AbstractGrid::COLUMN_PARAM_SORTABLE')] is defined and column[constant('\Engine\Grid\AbstractGrid::COLUMN_PARAM_SORTABLE')] %}
                    <a href="javascript:;" class="grid-sortable" data-sort="{{ name }}" data-direction="">
                        {{ column[constant('\Engine\Grid\AbstractGrid::COLUMN_PARAM_LABEL')] |i18n }}
                {% else %}
                    {{ column[constant('\Engine\Grid\AbstractGrid::COLUMN_PARAM_LABEL')] |i18n }}
                {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
        {% if grid.hasActions() %}
            <th class="actions">{{ 'Actions' |i18n }}</th>
        {% endif %}
    {% if grid.hasFilterForm() %}
        <tr class="grid-filter">
            {% for column in grid.getColumns() %}
                    {% if column[constant('\Engine\Grid\AbstractGrid::COLUMN_PARAM_FILTER')] is defined and instanceof(column[constant('\Engine\Grid\AbstractGrid::COLUMN_PARAM_FILTER')], 'Engine\Form\AbstractElement') %}
                        {% set element = column[constant('\Engine\Grid\AbstractGrid::COLUMN_PARAM_FILTER')] %}
                        {{ element.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off').render() }}
                    {% endif %}
                    <div class="clear-filter"></div>
            {% endfor %}
            <th class="actions">
                <button class="btn btn-filter btn-primary">{{ 'Filter' |i18n }}</button>
                <button class="btn btn-warning">{{ 'Reset' |i18n }}</button>
    {% endif %}
    {{ partial(grid.getTableBodyView(), ['grid': grid]) }}