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Languages And Translations¶

Multilanguages are supported out of the box. By default translation works from English to other languages (texts written in English).

Translation system works in two modes:

  • Development mode. Translation stored in database. PhalconEye allows to add, edit, delete, translate such translations. In this mode all translations that wasn’t found in database - will be added automatically (it collects them).
  • Production mode. All translations stored in <LANGUAGE_UNIQ_KEY>.php file (e.g. “en.php”). There are no database queries or collection of not existing items. Just collection of translations.

Each language object contains name (title), unique key (e.g.”en”), locale (e.g. en_US). It means that you can have two equals English but with different locales.

Translation in controller:


// Get it from DI and translate.

// Or like that.
$this->di->getI18n()->_('Options :one: and :two', ['one' => 1, 'two' => 2]);

// Or:
$this->di->getI18n()->query('Options :one: and :two', ['one' => 1, 'two' => 2]);

Translation in view:

{{ 'Login'|i18n }}

Different tools:

{# Format number according to current locale. #}
{# Output: 100.0 #}
{{ helper('formatter').formatNumber(100, php('\NumberFormatter::DECIMAL')) }}

{# Format currency according to current locale. #}
{# Output: $100 #}
{{ helper('formatter').formatCurrency(100) }}

Current language and it’s locale stored in session, so to change language:


$language = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9?!]/", '', $this->request->get('lang', 'string'));
if ($language && $languageObject = Language::findFirst("language = '" . $language . "'")) {
    $this->di->get('session')->set('language', $languageObject->language);
    $this->di->get('session')->set('locale', $languageObject->locale);