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  1. Get Phalcon Framework up and running (1.3.1 version is required). See http://docs.phalconphp.com/en/latest/reference/install.html
  2. If you have cloned PhalconEye from GitHub you must run ant task “ant dist” to get the package as zip. This task creates clean package with preinstalled assets.
  3. Extract (or copy) PhalconEye’s code onto your webserver.
  4. ‘public’ directory must be set as server’s web root. VirtualHost example for Apache:
<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerAdmin admin@mail.com
        ServerName test.local

        DocumentRoot /www/phalconeye/www/public
        ErrorLog /www/phalconeye/logs/errors.log
        CustomLog /www/phalconeye/logs/access.log combined

        <Directory "/www/phalconeye/www/public">
                Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
                AllowOverride All
                Order allow,deny
                Allow from all
  1. If you have installed the CMS into a subdirectory (eg. http://youhost.com/phalconeye/), you will also need to edit configuration in /app/config/development/application.php. Change ‘baseUrl’ to your subdirectory path (ie. ‘/phalconeye/’).
  2. Restart Apache server and browse to http://youhost.com/
  3. Visit the website follow the installation instructions.